The Church of Christ in China Shum Oi Church Kindergarten
The Church of Christ in China
Shum Oi Church Kindergarten
Family-School Cooperation
Multi-pronged family-school cooperation can build up an effective communication channel between the two sides, providing all-round support for the developmental and learning needs of young children.
Two-way Communication
Individual meetings, parent-teacher meetings, telephone enquiries and classroom participation are measures adopted to offer parents a full picture of their young children’s learning and personal development at school and chances to exchange views on the matters concerned.
Education for Parents
Various activities such as parents’ workshop, parent-child reading and outing are held to equip parents with knowledge and insights in nurturing their young children in respect of acquiring knowledge, skills and attitudes.
In hope of strengthening a sense of belongings among parents towards our Kindergarten, we established a parent volunteer team which facilitates and promotes family-school cooperation by helping our Kindergarten on teaching materials preparations, intramural celebration events and site visits, etc.
Church-Kindergarten Partnership
Apart from daily school activities, we also collaborate with our church in running a Children’s Sunday School and parents’ groups to help parents foster a support network other than between the family and our Kindergarten and also the spirit of unison in Jesus Christ.